Kevelaer Fortschritt 07.04.2021

Kevelaer Construction progress April 7

[:de][:de][:de][:de]Der Bau des Skatepark in Kevelaer geht, trotz leichter Schneefälle, gut voran. Es wurden neben weiteren Schalungs- und Stahlarbeiten wieder ein neues Element betoniert. Die Spineramp mit Wobble sind bereits zu zwei Dritteln fertiggestellt.[:][:en]The construction of the skatepark in Kevelaer is progressing well, despite light snowfall. It was concreted again a new element in addition to further formwork and steel work. The Spineramp with Wobble are already two-thirds completed.[:][:en]The construction of the skatepark in Kevelaer is progressing well, despite light snowfall. It was concreted again a new element in addition to further formwork and steel work. The Spineramp with Wobble are already two-thirds completed.The construction of the skatepark in Kevelaer is progressing well, despite light snowfall. It was concreted again a new element in addition to further formwork and steel work. The Spineramp with Wobble are already two-thirds completed.The construction of the skatepark in Kevelaer is progressing well, despite light snowfall. It was concreted again a new element in addition to further formwork and steel work. The Spineramp with Wobble are already two-thirds completed.The construction of the skatepark in Kevelaer is progressing well, despite light snowfall. It was concreted again a new element in addition to further formwork and steel work. The Spineramp with Wobble are already two-thirds completed.[:]

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